Celebrating Lives

Celebrating Lives

Family members making funeral arrangements immediately following a death often are confused and upset. Just when they are struggling to cope with their grief, they must also attend to details of a visitation and funeral and begin adjusting to life without the person who died. It is often difficult for families to make all the decisions necessary when the moment is so charged with grief and trauma. Because most of us do not like to think about death, we avoid making important funeral decisions in advance.
Planning your funeral ahead of time can remove some of the emotional burden from your family. There are many decisions to be made when arranging a funeral. We often have special wishes as to where to be buried, who is to receive our personal effects, and how we are to be memorialized. Making these decisions today, with the help of those close to you, permits you to tend to every detail and allows you to make logical, well thought out plans, which your family will appreciate.
You gain the confidence that results from making unhurried, informed decisions. In addition, prearranging ensures that you will have exactly the kind of funeral you want. It is our goal to answer all of your questions and to guide you through this process as comfortably as possible.